My travel series explores luggage and handbags as silent storytellers, brimming with the anticipation of upcoming trips and memories of places visited in the past. Inspired by the belief that even objects hold a voice, I personify these everyday items, transforming them into colorful sculptures on canvas with my love of oil paint. The meticulously painted exteriors of each bag are more than just fashion statements. They’re windows into the traveler's personality often dressed with lush flora and bits of subtle symbolism. 

A narrative may unfold within the luggage or handbags. Though unseen, the imagined contents inside fuel the viewer's curiosity. What treasures have been packed? A sentimental token from a cherished trip? A special something one wouldn’t want to be without for even a day? Carefully chosen clothing for a memorable event? The viewer will also likely ask themselves who the unseen traveler is and where they’re headed. I invite anyone to co-create with the story by leaving these details to their imagination.

Ultimately, I’m interested in celebrating travel's transformative power. It’s about exploration, wanderlust, and the human desire to connect with the world.